Scholarly writing as creative work:
writing workshops, retreats, and a monthly newsletter
Scholarly writing is a creative act. Since the early 2000s, I've designed and led workshops, seminars, and retreats that help academic writers embrace the creative work of scholarship and build writing processes and practices that work for them. In 2019, I launched a monthly newsletter that explores how academic writers might think of their writing as creative. You can sign up for that here. Below that, you'll find a list of events I've designed or facilitated, plus a few blog posts that discuss my own writing practices. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in learning more about this aspect of my work.
Workshops, Seminars, and Retreats
"Scholarly Writing as Creative Work." Keynote address, Midwest Winter Workshop, University of Illinois, Feb. 2020.
"Scholarly Writing as Creative Work." Mini-workshop for graduate students at Wayne State University, March 2019.
"Mid-Career Scholar's Writing Retreat." Co-facilitated week-long writing retreat sponsored by the National Communication Association, July 2018.
"Writing in Graduate School." A graduate seminar I developed and teach for the Department of Communication.
"Scholarly Writing as Creative Work." Designed and led multiple iterations of this workshop for the Graduate College at the University of Illinois, 2004-2008.
"Rhetoric Write-a-Thon." Designed and co-facilitated daylong writing marathon for faculty and graduate students in Communication and Writing Studies at the University of Illinois, 2015.
Scholar's Research Network, Rhetoric Society of America. Frequent scholar-mentor for biennial RSA conference event where junior scholars and graduate students workshop essays and dissertation chapters in progress.
Midwest Winter Workshop. Frequent scholar-mentor for annual Big 10 institution event where doctoral students workshop essays and dissertation chapters in progress.
Writing and Yoga Retreat, Atwood Retreat Center. Co-facilitator of weekend retreat focusing on creative writing and yoga practice, Atwood, Illinois, 2005.
"Writing Retreats and Retreating to Write." How I designed my own solo writing retreats, March 2017.
"All Writing, All the Time. With Tomatoes." How I use the Pomodoro Technique, Sept. 2016.
"5 Things I've Learned in My 20+ Years of Scholarly Writing." August 2015.
"Scholarly Writing as Creative Work." Keynote address, Midwest Winter Workshop, University of Illinois, Feb. 2020.
"Scholarly Writing as Creative Work." Mini-workshop for graduate students at Wayne State University, March 2019.
"Mid-Career Scholar's Writing Retreat." Co-facilitated week-long writing retreat sponsored by the National Communication Association, July 2018.
"Writing in Graduate School." A graduate seminar I developed and teach for the Department of Communication.
"Scholarly Writing as Creative Work." Designed and led multiple iterations of this workshop for the Graduate College at the University of Illinois, 2004-2008.
"Rhetoric Write-a-Thon." Designed and co-facilitated daylong writing marathon for faculty and graduate students in Communication and Writing Studies at the University of Illinois, 2015.
Scholar's Research Network, Rhetoric Society of America. Frequent scholar-mentor for biennial RSA conference event where junior scholars and graduate students workshop essays and dissertation chapters in progress.
Midwest Winter Workshop. Frequent scholar-mentor for annual Big 10 institution event where doctoral students workshop essays and dissertation chapters in progress.
Writing and Yoga Retreat, Atwood Retreat Center. Co-facilitator of weekend retreat focusing on creative writing and yoga practice, Atwood, Illinois, 2005.
"Writing Retreats and Retreating to Write." How I designed my own solo writing retreats, March 2017.
"All Writing, All the Time. With Tomatoes." How I use the Pomodoro Technique, Sept. 2016.
"5 Things I've Learned in My 20+ Years of Scholarly Writing." August 2015.